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Cremona Instrumental Academy&Festival 2018 — Raisa Isaacs and her students

Cremona Summer Instrumental Academy&Festival for pianists and string instruments students have completed the program for







summer 2018. Besides a very rigorous and spectacular in displaying international talents in the Cremona Academy International Competition, intense studies included solo, piano duet, and chamber music sessions for

pianists, and Cremona Festival Symphonic Orchestra participation from 6 to 26 and up years old participants for string and woodwind instruments students. The program included a unique opportunity to perform in the daily Student Showcase Concert Series and Distinguished Faculty Concert Series on the concert stages of Cremona Chamber of Commerce Sala Maffei Hall, in Auditorium G.Arvedi Musee del Violino Crema Auditorium, in the Auditorium Manenti in Crema, and on the streets concerts at Portici di Palazzo del Comune, Portici di Piazza Stradivari, Pagoda Giardini and “Serenade Concert” Cortile Federico II in Cremona. Besides, students attended a faculty lecture-recital and master-class on Baroque Performance Practice presented by Dr. R. Isaacs.

Students met new international friends, visited surrounding Cremona historic towns and the most important – being introduced and evaluating students of the different schools of the countries, have expanded and heightened the quality and level of the standards in their performances.