Author Archive for: ‘raisa’

  • Collage

    Winter Adult Piano Party-Recital

    Annual Winter Adult Piano Studio Recital-Party took a place at home of one of my adult piano students , who owns a magnificent 9’Steinway. After the classical program music party continues with a jam-session, playing original folk-tunes and sharing goodies from the different countries …. My adult …

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  • Raisa

    GMTA Conference 2012

    Your teacher presented Dance in Bach’s Keyboard Music (Correlation of the steps, step-units with phrasing and articulation) at GMTA Conference 2012 (Young Harris College, GA)

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  • After Chairing AMTA Romantic Impressionistic Festival Competition

    After chairing AMTA Romantic& Impressionistic Festival-Competition

    It’s can be exhausting – chairing a competition. What is rewarding – a feedback from the teachers and participants that it means a lot for them to have a chance to participate and evaluate abilities and potentials. The opinion exists- competitions are bad. This is …

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  • Webs 3

    2010 / 2011 News/Articles

    Valentine’s Baroque recital featured solo and chamber music by Frecsobldi, Fr. Couperin, Leclair, and J.S. Bach at the Oglethorpe University  Museum of Arts. Raisa Isaacs – harpsichord, Nancy Schechter—baroque violin. Combo Piano Recital – Amateur Adult Deborah Brown and Junior Senior Victoria Yang performed alternatively compositions …

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  • CarloAlonzoMandol0002a

    2009/2010 News/Articles

      Your teacher, Raisa Parmenier Isaacs was invited to participate in the recital of the World Famous Mandolin Recording Artist Carlo Aonzo (Italy) in Atlanta popular Chamber Concerts series “Music on the Hill” on June 27, 2010.   Piano Studio Recital was held at the Southern Keyboards on …

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  • Europe1

    2008/2009 News/Articles

      Congratulations to our participants in the International Summer Academy in Germany, Regensburg in July 19-August 2  –  Doyle Wang, Saeka Hasegawa and Deborah Brown! ( They performed in the halls of 15-16 centuries and enriched their knowledge of Piano Performace with remarkable teachers from United States, Russia and …

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