NinaY Trophy 2014 For Web

Nina Yang’s New Awards!

NinaY trophy 2014 for webRaisa Isaacs

Congratulations to Nina Yang! She is one of the Winners of the International Piano and Violin Enkor Competition at her age Group C (Piano).
Previously, she has won Summer Camp Scholarship at NFMC Festival, she was a Winner of the International American Protege Competition and performed at the Carnegie Hall (New-York), and she was the finalist of the International Instrumental Academy Competition in Cremona, Italy last summer.
She received the largest trophy at Dr. Raisa Isaacs’s Studio (of 1200 points) for the long years of her dedication to music.
Currently, she’s been preparing for her Associate Diploma of the Royal Conservatory Music Development Program that was established by Carnegie Hall as a National Standard in USA for pre-college education. Nina continues her private lessons with her teacher, Raisa Isaacs, by Skype online.